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Giving Day Supports St. Mark's

Students holding lion stuffed animals in front of lion mascot
Jackie Waters
Tuesday, April 11, is Giving Day at St. Mark’s, and on campus, the Upper Burgess Center is buzzing with activity! Students, faculty, and staff wearing matching “St. Mark’s, Where I Belong,” T-shirts and orange wristbands capture selfies with the Lion mascot and sign a donor thank-you banner, as they celebrate the contributions made today in support of the spaces, resources, programs, and people that enhance the St. Mark’s experience for students every day.

New for this year’s Giving Day is a student scavenger hunt sponsored by President of the Alumni Executive Committee Elaine Harvey ’06. All day long, St. Markers have been searching for 15 stuffed lions hidden throughout campus, each worth a $100 gift to St. Mark’s. Students who find the lions are able to keep them, and many are choosing to make their own additional gifts to the School. While some are earmarking their donations for academics, athletics, or the arts, others are choosing to focus their contributions on community and equity, faculty, financial aid, or St. Mark’s greatest need.

An anonymous and generous donor has also pledged to contribute $100 to St. Mark’s for every gift made through the end of Giving Day, up to $50,000! That challenge is doubled tonight during the evening “Power Hour” from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. EDT. Eager to give now? If so, your gift will count toward Giving Day goals and totals—and will help support St. Mark’s!

This entire day of philanthropy for our School has truly been a team effort: several St. Mark’s students made videos to share, the Monitors emailed the whole campus community, and class agents reached out to alumni via social media. This evening, parent phonathon volunteers will call their peers for matching gifts, and the Class of 2023 will enjoy a special celebration in Taft Hall complete with a keynote address from Sophie Haugen ’18.

To everyone who is giving generously of their time and participating in Giving Day 2023, THANK YOU! Go Lions!
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