The St. Mark's Haiti Partnership Committee has been very busy this November.
During the first week of the month, the committee sponsored a showing of the film "Bending the Arc" under the tent on the main quadrangle at the front of the School. "Bending the Arc" focuses on Partners in Health doctors and their global movement for health justice in countries including Haiti.
On Tuesday, November 17, the Haiti Partnership held a letter-writing event on the quad. Materials were provided for St. Markers to create hand-made cards with messages for the students and teachers at St. Marguerite's School in Haiti.
The Haiti Partnership Committee at St. Mark's School is an active and vibrant organization dedicated to developing a partnership between St. Mark's School and St. Marguerite's School in Latournelle, Haiti. Its goal is to foster communication, education, and cultural exploration between the two schools. St. Mark's is also committed to supporting capital projects at Ste. Marguerite's through fundraising, in both the local and broader school communities.