Theater, music, and visual art, whether in performance or in the gallery, represents a union of craft and expression.
Study the culture and history of antiquity through the archaeological and written remains of ancient Greece and Rome.
Computer Science
Computer science studies range from theoretical foundations to human-computer interfaces. This rapidly changing and dynamic field is deeply integrated into the natural sciences, engineering, business, and the arts.
The English Department seeks to develop sensitive and critical readers and writers who view reading and writing as modes of discovery, thought, and communication.
History and Social Sciences
The History and Social Sciences Department exposes students not only to important historical facts but also to the imaginative process of understanding and evaluating the significance of those facts in the light of the present day.
The purpose of St. Mark’s mathematical education is to develop students’ understanding of and appreciation for the ability to make sense of the world through the lenses of mathematics: space and number, logic and pattern.
Modern Languages
The study of Modern Languages gives students thought-provoking instruction in the language or languages they have decided to learn and to make them stronger students as well as more aware and appreciative of the cultural backgrounds and values of the people whose language they are studying.
The science program at St. Mark’s School aims to develop students who are scientifically literate, create opportunities for the interdisciplinary study of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), and provide an exemplary preparation for collegiate level science.
Our religion courses are designed to help students understand that there are multiple viewpoints in the world on how to make meaning of human existence and on how best to regulate human behavior and interaction.