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The Classics Department offers courses emphasizing the culture and history of antiquity as seen through the written and material remains of ancient Greece and Rome. We use the reading approach to language learning, which immerses students in the genres of history, poetry, oratory, and philosophy in Latin and Greek from the very beginning of their study through to the advanced levels. St. Mark’s offers a Classics Diploma to students who complete three years of one classical language and two years of the other, travel to either Greece or Italy on the biennial Classical Diploma Trip, and complete a final capstone project in the field of Classical studies. Classical Diploma students design this final project together in the second semester of Greek II. We accept credits in either language earned before a student’s entrance to St. Mark’s; placement is contingent upon departmental approval in consultation with the Dean of Academics. Advanced courses may be taken following successful completion of the appropriate prerequisites.

From the Classroom

Classics Diploma

Logo for the Classics Diploma


The Classics Diploma may be earned by qualified students who complete three years of one classical language and two years of the other. Classical Diploma students design a final project in the second semester of Greek II.
Members of the Class of 2022 who received a Classics Diploma pose for a photo on Prize Day.