St. Markers create paintings that advocate for endangered seal survival and bridge the gap between art and conservation in class. More examples can be viewed on our SmugMug account.
Visual Arts
Ceramics, Sculpture, and Studio Arts
St. Markers are encouraged to explore their artistic side.
While some students come to the school with extensive visual arts experience, others have never picked up a paintbrush before. All learn in a dynamic setting to develop their observational skills and a personal voice through a variety of media.Courses range from the introductory level in sculpture, ceramics and studio art, through the advanced level in studio art and ceramics. Some students elect to pursue a single topic or medium in depth through independent study once they have completed basic courses. Many students prepare portfolios as part of their application to liberal arts colleges or to specialized art schools such as RISD, University of Chicago, and SMFA at Tufts. The courses are demanding; the atmosphere is collaborative and supportive.
On canvas or paper, using a potter’s wheel or a camera, St. Markers are encouraged to give free rein to their artistic side, and to bring a critical and appreciative eye to the world around them.
From the Classroom
I chose St. Mark's because of the fantastic arts programs. I want to be a designer, so I started my own design club on campus. You have the chance here to try so many things."
Carrick Zhu '18
Diploma Requirements
Incoming III and IV Formers are required to take a one-year course, or two consecutive years of participation in the St. Mark’s choir, orchestra, or jazz ensembles.
Incoming V Formers are required to take a one-semester course (options include Studio I, Theater, or Music Studio).