St. Mark's Athletics
Maintained by the St. Mark's Athletic Department
Girls' Varsity Basketball
Maintained by Girls' Varsity Basketball
Boys' Varsity Basketball - SMBoysBBall
Maintained by the Boys' Varsity Basketball Team
Girls' Varsity Soccer
Maintained by Girls' Varsity Soccer team
Boys' Varsity Soccer
Maintained by Boys' Varsity Soccer team
Girls' Crew - smrowing
Maintained by the coaches of the Girls' Varsity Crew team
Boys' Crew - smmenscrew
Maintained by the coaches of the Boys' Varsity Crew team
Boys' Varsity Baseball
- stmarksbaseball
Maintained by the Boys' Varsity Baseball team
Girls' Varsity Lacrosse - SMGVlax
Maintained by the Girls' Varsity Lacrosse Team.
Girls' Cross Country
Maintained by Girls' Cross Country team