Health & Counseling Services
Health Services is located behind the Main Building in the Pine Cottage. Professional nurses staff Health Services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Health Services provides medication management, confidential counseling, treatment for those ill or injured, notifying parents of student’s health status, educational programs, scheduling of appointments and arranging transportation. We encourage the students to come to Health Services at the onset of illness so that we are able to provide them with immediate care. Our goal is to provide a healthy, safe and educational environment.
Mrs. Taylor and Ms. Barila are located on the third floor of Health Services and work to support the healthy emotional development of adolescents within the St. Mark’s community. School counselors are experts in the field of adolescent development and are extensively trained in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders. School counselors provide supportive counseling in academic, social, and personal domains. Counselors are available during the academic day to meet with students, faculty, staff, and parents, as well as at any time in an emergency. They provide individual counseling, facilitate educational programs through SM Leads, supervise the Peer Discussion Leaders, develop curriculum for Peer Discussion Groups, NRS, St. Mark’s Saturdays, and FASTeam programs.
St. Mark's is a proud member of the Center for Cross-Cultural Student Emotional Wellness at Massachusetts General Hospital. The center advocates for understanding and promotion of cross-cultural and international student emotional wellness.
Contact Information
St. Mark's School Health Services
- 508.786.6370
- 508.786.6010 (Fax)