Offices & Resources

The Four Steps to 'Yes'

1. Reflect, Consider, Give First

  • Reflect thoughtfully on why St. Mark’s is important to you and deserving of alumni/ae support.
  • Make your gift first, at the start of the fiscal year.
    • Doing so makes you more credible and successful.

2. Make the Ask Personal

3. Have a Plan

  • Know what you’re going to say before you reach out.
  • There are four points to your agenda: connect (and confirm contact information), reminisce, ask, thank.
  • Ask for a specific amount (based upon past giving) that is an increase over the last gift. Start higher rather than lower and wait for a response. Don't provide an easy out by suggesting a lower amount- allow your classmate to respond on his or her own.

4. Follow up

  • Send a personal note of thanks.
  • If the classmate prefers to think about the gift, agree on a specific follow-up plan and timeline.
  • Make notes on your contact, reporting the gift commitment, relevant information about your classmate, and any questions for your staff contact.
  • Treat sensitive personal and giving information with respect. Discuss with your staff contact only.

Key Points

  • Give thoughtfully and early.
  • Personalize your conversation; listen to your classmate.
  • Know your agenda and practice what you're going to say before the call.
  • Follow up with your classmate and your staff contact.