Offices & Resources

Positive Phrases

The Power of Positive Talking

Your demeanor, affect, and phrasing set the tone for the interaction. Be intentional and set a positive, upbeat stage for your conversations. Enthusiasm begets success!

  • Weak lead: “Sorry to bother you…”
  • Strong lead: “I’ve been looking forward to speaking with you about our class and your annual gift.”
  • Weak lead: “I know you just bought a house, started a new job, had a baby… you’re in transition and money is tight, but…”
  • Strong lead: “We all have other commitments this year, but I hope you’ll join me in putting St. Mark’s at the top of your list- giving back to the place that gave us a great start”
  • Weak lead: “I feel very awkward doing this, but….”
  • Strong lead: “I don’t know whether this will shock or flatter you, but we’d like you to consider a gift of X”
  • Weak lead: “Can you believe they have you down for $5,000?”
  • Strong lead: “I’ve made a gift of X for the following reasons. I hope you’ll reflect on your own experience and consider a gift of X”

N.B. Don’t drop your ask amount too soon. Wait for a response and listen carefully. Address the root cause of the response (see overcoming objections) and answer questions. Don’t assume hesitation means ‘no’, and don’t provide an easy out by asking for a smaller gift.

Key Points

  • Practice what you're going to say.
  • Use an approach that feels natural to you.
  • Smile- even if you're on the phone.
  • You're asking for St. Mark's, not yourself